The Limitless Life Podcast: Create Your Compelling and Vibrant Future
The Limitless Life Podcast: Create Your Compelling and Vibrant Future
#35 - How to Sell Without Selling and Win Customers for Life with Sean D'Souza

Welcome to another episode of the OpenWorld podcast.

This one was exciting, and after you listen, I’m sure you’ll agree. I took a TON of notes.

But first…

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but lately around here we’ve been running a bunch of promotions. I’ve been trying to see what works and what doesn’t when it comes to selling products online.

Most attempts to sell fail flat. Based on several recent tests, here are a few lessons:

  1. Trying to sell directly to random web visitors on your blog fails. You can put all the ads on your blog that you want, but random visitors won’t convert well enough to support your basic needs (selling the right product to your list is better. What’s the “right product?” Listen to this podcast to find out).
  2. Offering consulting to brand new prospects fails (offering them a low-end introductory product you’ve created instead works much better)
  3. An offer that’s so unique or compelling can motivate people to buy in and of itself – and the actual product is secondary.

One of my favorite podcasts that I’ve been listening to A LOT lately is “The Three Month Vacation” by Sean D’Souza.

Introducing Sean D’Souza

Sean D'souza, owner of Psychotactics and the Three Month Vacation podcast.

For the last 11 years, Sean has taken three months off every year ten different times. What makes it possible? An expert level proficiency in the psychology of sales and marketing.

A former cartoonist, Sean decided he wanted more freedom in his lifestyle. He had to learn marketing. So he went to the library, picked up thirty books on the subject, and studied everything he could.

Fast forward to today, and Sean regularly sells online courses for $3,000, even $5,000… and sells them out.

What’s unique about Sean is that he doesn’t rely on a lot of sales tactics or gimmicks to convince customers to buy.

Instead – he’s an expert at engineering a unique and special experience for customers so that they remain customers for life. The real money is made in long-term, loyal clientele – and Sean has been able to keep the same clients coming back and buying from for 13 years (His secret surprised even me – listen to find out).

Freedom fighters, this is what creating lifestyle freedom for yourself is all about.

Even better: the subtle psychological tactics that Sean teaches trigger a prospect’s motivation to buy – eliminating or reducing the need to sell.

As always, during our podcast, Sean over-delivers. He shares a ton of insights during this discussion, such as:

  • A powerful paradigm shift: think of your customers as children. Sean teaches us how to care for clients as you would your own children – under your “protection, care, and guidance”
  • How to engineer a customer experience so unique that clients become raving fans you purchase everything that you offer.
  • A metaphor to creating additional back-end products for existing customers
  • How to convince people to buy at the same time you pull away (demonstrating higher value)
  • The secret formula to designing a life of freedom in two words – “creating magic” – and what that really means.
  • The concept of “dartboard pricing,” and how to price your products and services for maximum profit.
  • “The Bikini Principle” – how to offer just a tease of your product… and stimulate a buying frenzy.
  • And a whole lot more…

If you want to learn how to create products that will sell, sell premium products at high prices, or retain highly-profitable customers for life, then listen to this podcast.

And most important, go out and implement once you’re finished. Sean generously shares a wealth of valuable tactics that any entrepreneur can apply to their own business and create a life of greater freedom.

Please feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts or any questions.

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